Daily Schedule

School Schedule: 
Image result for clock clipart

Start of School: 8:45

AM Recess: 11:10-11:25 

Lunch: 1:00-1:20 

Recess: 1:20-1:40 

Dismissal: 3:00 2

Classroom routines and procedures
1) Bell Ringer Activity: To signal my students that class is going to start, I will turn the light off and on in order to let the class know that it's time to quiet down and listen.
  • Another way I can get students ready to participate in class, I will ask them an open ended question to start facilitating conversations, or have one written on the board.
2) Ideal Seating Arrangement: Table groups, which will provide a environment where students can get to know each other and feel included, while encouraging productive discussions.
3) Attention Getter: Similar to the start of class, when I need to get student's attentions I will turn the light off and on to let them know to focus back on the lesson. 
4) Homework collection: There will be a designated homework drop spot that the students will be aware of, like a basket on the teachers desk. The students will be informed that they need to turn in their homework at the start of each class in the specified spot.
5) Homework Policy: Homework will be passed back to the students at the start of each class. Homework that is turned in late without an excuse will be docked a few 5 points.
6) Cellphone Policy: Students will store any electronics they may have in their backpacks during class.
